Online Training Programs

These training programs have helped over 139,000 entrepreneurs and bloggers become better marketers.

Powered by the Squirrly Company (it delivers 7,479 monthly subscriptions for Insanely Great marketing software).

Exclusive Digital Marketing Training

Four Hour SEO

Join the FourHourSEO online community today and start improving your online visibility

Free coaching session

Free coaching session reveals how to get over 5,000 subscribers in four months

by writing SEO content and promoting it on relevant networks

10,000 Visits from Social Media Course

See how we generated more than 10,000 visits from social media. Follow exact methods to replicate our Success.

14-Days Journey to Better Rankings

This is a completely free opportunity to rank one of your high-value pages using the Focus Pages system. 100% Sponsored by us. We’ll cover all the costs (to third parties) involved with APIs, technology, cloud computing, and so on.

Digital Marketing Superstars

Receive handpicked, one-minute case studies, and hacks, straight to your inbox. All actionable, ready for you to implement.