7 Attributes You Don’t Want Your Content Writer to Have

Experience has taught me that content writing is not as easy as it sounds. As I mentioned in a previous article, some people are born writers, and some people, including me, need to invest time in developing certain skills. Now that the “content marketing is king” syntagm is written on everybody’s lips, pretty much everyone calls […]
How a Content Writer’s Mind Works
In this past few months since I’ve been a content writer, I learned tons of new stuff. I started working at Squirrly with an innocent mind, thinking that it’s a piece of cake to write an article. I’ve never been so wrong in my life. This turned out to be partly right. There are some people that […]
An efficient content writer is an efficient researcher

Can’t see the forest from the trees, anymore You have the topic to write about and the time to do it, you can even think of an engaging story and an amusing twist for your readers, so you get down to business. But where to begin? What to look for? What to read? And when […]
Your Hardships as a Content Writer and How To Make Life Easy Again
You’re a content writer. You know that because the only teas you like are either green or black, both with high concentrations of caffeine. You find yourself often drinking coffee after 6 PM, which even turns into a guilty pleasure at one point. They all tell you that “content is king“, or that “the way […]