This Autumn Bears Many Gifts – Three New Up-Coming Products from Squirrly

This Autumn Bears Many Gifts – VIP drafting complete. Some people talk about this time of the year as the fourth Quarter, others admire the beautiful colors of the season, but some… Well… They have squirrly plans concocted carefully. Many of the wonderful creations we’ve been working on ever since our Powering Up email (sent Jan […]
The Squirrly Team: Meet Florin

Once upon a time (London, United Kingdom, 2012) the squirrlyans embarked the SEO ship to travel to lands far away (over 90 countries) and spread content marketing secrets to every kingdom. Do you want to know more about them? (the good looking author box ^^ above was created with Starbox PRO) Meet Florin, one of […]
The key players in Squirrly community
A key part of our marketing strategy is figuring out how to build and engage the Squirrly fan base. We thought of many ideas, but only one really stuck with us. It’s about of one of the best ways to do this, by rewarding our audience for becoming and staying fans. Squirrly’s Fan of the […]
Origami and Puzzle at Squirrly Office
As you already know every two weeks, the Squirrly team play some games. This week was the Owlwitch House turn to prepare a game for the team. Cristina, the HeadMaster, found a really interesting idea for the game. She loves origami, so she was thinking that one of the tasks could be to build something […]
Squirrly Team Behind The Scene
Have you ever wonder how is to work at Squirrly? Well, it’s amazing! Of course, the first rule is to be crazy. If you are not, you’ll not like working here at all. We are five awesome people who like to have fun at work. Even if we have only one year, we had a […]
Squirrly Game 2: The Results
It’s Friday and it’s time for finding the results for the second game at Squirrly. We are all excited. Especially that we didn’t know how many points had each of the games. So here are the points system for the second game: Each of us received 4 points for finishing the game. Cristina got 1 […]
Escape The Room – Squirrly Game
You already know we are playing games at Squirrly. It’s so much fun and we are even more productive and that’s great 🙂 This week the Game Masters were Alexandra and Călin. Each of them had a special game for us. Călin learned us about team building with some spaghetti and marshmallows. I know it […]
Games and Houses at Squirrly
Let’s face it! You already know that the Squirrly team is acting squirrly sometimes. Last year was great and we had fun, but we want to make 2014 awesome! So, our CEO, Florin, came with a great idea to build engaging games for all the teammates at Squirrly. Don’t worry, we’ll still be doing amazing some […]
Getting the most out of your Squirrly subscription
Let’s start with a little history lesson. On May 29th 2013 Google revamped their Gmail. More specifically they introduced tabs. You grew to love them and their sorting wizardry that kept your email account tidy and clean. Your email got split in three with the option to add two more. Now you had your Primary […]
The Squirrly Party For Our Very First Year
Dear friends, it comes with great joy to announce that we had some squirrly fun yesterday, celebrating our Year One event! At the beginning of this month we announced that there was a New Squirrly: Better. For Humans. Since then, we’ve kept on working to make Squirrly even better for you and we also added […]