How Video Marketing Came to Change Social Media

There is hardly any doubt that video marketing has grown to be a very powerful form of advertising. From old TV ads to viral videos and to today’s company promotional videos, this type of marketing has definitely been through a lot and has achieved immense levels of success. The online medium offers us lots of studies […]

How to Touch People’s Hearts? Use Video Marketing

Statistics show that people are exposed to around 3,000 advertising messages on a daily basis. From crossing the street, checking their Facebook page or buying lunch at the local shop, they are unconsciously the victims of a branded society. However, the majority of these ads have little effect on their buying habits. Why? Because there’s no emotional engagement. How can this […]

Why You Should Aim For Video Marketing

[credits]   We live in times where the only constant in life is change. What is famous today can be forgotten tomorrow. What wasn’t  even heard of yesterday could become viral now. This isn’t just in regards to business, but about jobs, technology, clothing…in other words, everything. But for right now, this article refers to […]