3 Reasons Why a Subscription Based Payment Makes Sense For You

[Update 2024] We reached over 23.000 Premium Paid Clients. [Update 2022] – We closed the year of 2021 at $1,150,000 USD in total sales through all the stores that sell Squirrly Company products. News 1. News 2. We thank you for being with us all these years. Thanks to your continued support, we reached 20,000 […]
Lesson 1: Who Are We? – And Coaching Session 2019

This is the first lesson from the Coaching Session offered by the Squirrly Company: http://squirrly.co/free-coaching-session-by-squirrly-uk/ – You’re now receiving the 2019 version, re-mastered, re-organized, 100% relevant. Hey, You’re awesome for being engaged with this and opening it up for a good read. Today you will see the things that will help you get started with this […]
3 Best Practices for Using the WordPress SEO Plugin by Squirrly

The WordPress SEO plugin by Squirrly offers a lot of cool features. Here’s a full list of them! If you use our plugin each time you write an article, it’s paramount that you are familiar with a few essential best practices. This will help you get the most out of your experience using Squirrly. The first […]
The online and offline WordPress SEO workplace
Our WordPress SEO work is hard. Creating original valuable content on a regular basis is not quite the easiest of all tasks. And let’s not forget, that is not all. You need for your content to rank high in SERPs and to keep an eye open for what people might be saying about your work on […]
An effective way to do WordPress SEO on a small budget
I have been writing about different ways in which a small business can do great content marketing and WordPress SEO. But who am I kidding?! Most people out there don’t have the opportunity to just say: “Hey, I’ll call an agency to help me with this part!”. Most bloggers and site owners are a one […]
3 Easy Prep tips in WordPress Seo
We keep on talking in WordPress SEO about how important it is to use keywords in the title, how social media affects your traffic and about many other aspects. Let’s stop for a second and think that before we start working in this field we need to prepare ourselves for creating content. Yes, you might […]
A Fresh design in a WordPress SEO world [case study]
As an organization evolves, so should their on-line presents. From this point of view, I appreciate sites that keep up with their audience’s needs in the WordPress SEO Blogosphere. The user’s experience on your site is quite important in rising the traffic your site gets. But the true reason is that you want Humans to […]
Why should small business include WordPress SEO in their marketing budget ?
Given the fact that people spend more time on-line, researching products, WordPress SEO is one aspect that every business should take into account in their overall internet marketing strategy. Many companies still spend more of their budget on the sales department, as even Chris Fell states in his article on Bussiness2Community. If that made sense when […]
How the design of your site affects your WordPress SEO
Chris Crum explained Matt Cutts video material that responsive design has no influence in your WordPress SEO ranking. That in the end having a responsive design or just a mobile version of site as well will have the same effects on your ranking. Even so, we can not expect to get the best SEO out […]
The inbound dictionary in WordPress SEO
If you have been interested in the field of WordPress SEO , you have already read a few articles on the subject. What you have certainly found in most of this articles are lots of acronyms but not all of them have been clear and strait forward for you to understand. Here you have the […]