Today’s Bonus from Squirrly’s March 2025 Event.

Rising Star Month for an awesome 2025.

Premium Tools for Free

Go to WordPress – Squirrly – Overview and see the tools included free of charge only for YOU with today’s Bonus

Premium Online Classes for Free

You can now listen to our Podcast and get Lifetime Access to some of our Premium Courses. LINK to Our Anchor.FM Podcast Page

PRO Coaching For Free.

The PRO Coaching Classes we send via email only to paid customers. Now you also get access to them for free.

Premium SERP Checker

You now have (thanks to Today’s Bonus) access to one Focus Page in Squirrly SEO, the Daily SEO Goals and the position on Google will be searched using Squirrly’s Private SERP Checker Cloud Service (for that ONE focus page)


You’re unlocking a great deal of SEO tools, by joining Squirrly SEO today.

Part of our Rising Star Month event is to help you achieve your SEO Goals in this year.

“When I co-founded this company in 2012 in the United Kingdom it has been my dream to expand it internationally. My New Year’s Resolution is to help you succeed on search engines, wherever you are in the world right now”
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly


Coaching Session made with content from our PRO Tournament. It’s FREE only for you.

The Content You get from our website is usually only sent and seen by Paying customers: PRO Users or Business Plan users.

Because you’ve joined today, you’re getting access for FREE.


What People Are Saying

I just had a Sunday afternoon filled with lots of good advice – I managed to read all the lessons! I used to blog a lot, but that was a few years ago. There is a lot a lot of competitivity, so, I better get the batteries on, follow the wise ones and do something good for my blog! Thanks again.

Steffi C.

Student, Squirrly COACHING

Oh, my. Squirrly is awesome stuff! I installed the plugin days ago but (thanks to your daily training) I was motivated to go deeper into it. The tips explained here regarding snippets and JSON-LD are so refreshing. I couldn’t thank you enough. You made it very comprehensive. I look forward to seeing the difference in my content. This is the best WordPress plugin I’ve discovered thus far.

Kevin T.

Student and PRO user, Squirrly COACHING

Perfect timing! I was just redoing my whole site when I discovered your training sessions. I think it’s amazing that you’re sharing all of these with us.

Laurie P.

Student, Squirrly COACHING


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