Official Beta Day – Squirrly SEO 2019 (Strategy)

Ground. Breaking.

There is a new Squirrly.

2019, beta version, all ready for action! Try it out starting today and give us your feedback. Use the support buttons found throughout the interface and let us know what you think about the brand new Squirrly SEO 2019 (Strategy).

Download Here.

How to install?

Backup your existing Squirrly SEO:

  • settings
  • optimizations

How? : go to WordPress -> Squirrly -> Settings -> Backups and Imports. Use the two blue buttons which allow you to create the backup files.

Then, once you install the new version from the BETA file, you will need to restore the important elements from your backup files. It will be done by using the restore functions.

Make sure you have your backups ready.

Then: go deactivate and then delete the current version of the Squirrly SEO Plugin that you have in your site.

Then: go to WordPress -> Plugins -> Add New -> Upload and do upload the zip file that you download using the link found on this page. (in the fourth paragraph of the article)

Connect to your Squirrly SEO account and BOOM! you’re ready to use the new Squirrly SEO 2019.

Just go and restore your older data from the backup files.

You’re now ready to go.

How do accounts work?

Same as they did before. If you have a Free version, this will be a free version. If you have a PRO or Business or Agency Plan, then you will get that level activated automatically.

Squirrly is so awesome because it is both plugin and software. It’s what makes the plugin load so fast and be so light-weight. It also removes all of the head aches associated with installing different zip files for each different payment plan you may have.

What should I try out first?

Focus Pages.

It’s the CORE of Squirrly SEO 2019.

So many things have changed. It’s completely ground breaking!

However, the biggest thing (that we didn’t even think was possible to get to this level of detail) is Focus Pages.

Remember: Squirrly SEO offers more than 200 features for SEO. We’ve actually added more. Haven’t done the official count yet, but seeing how flexible everything is, it could easily have reached 300 features with this update.

Thanks to FOCUS PAGES you won’t have to care about knowing all of them, because Focus Pages tells you what you should use and when you should use it, according to how your WordPress is performing on search engines.

If you have a problem in a certain area it shows you what it is, what it means, how to fix it AND which tools from Squirrly SEO you need in order to fix it.

Everything is within reach.

It looks at over 54 Ranking Factors which Google uses to decide if your page should be placed higher or lower in search result pages.

Sometimes, you will see that the sophistication of Focus Pages will out-match an ordinary human SEO Expert, because it looks at so many details that a human wouldn’t normally pay attention to when analyzing the information about your WordPress site.

Just turn those red elements to green and you will win!

Give us your feedback!!!

I can’t wait to read what you think about it. Write all of your questions, all of your concerns!

Your feedback is most valuable and we’ll be super happy if you can share it with us.

Simply use the support buttons found in the User Interfaces of the Squirrly SEO Plugin inside WordPress.

Innovator & CEO
Seasoned Entrepreneur, Content Marketing Trainer. Loves Archery, Writing, Coffee and Wine. VIP in the Delivering Happiness Movement. Helps startup communities.

7 Responses

  1. Is the maximum number of focus pages limited the 3? I have a site where I have a number of services that I would like to have as focus pages, as each one represents a separate subject.

    1. Hi David,

      the limit is 5 Focus Pages on the PRO Plan and 10 Focus Pages on the Business Plan.

      we’ve seen that a single person can’t really focus on ranking more than 5 pages at a time, because there are so many ranking factors which need to be tweaked or satisfied in order to rank.

      a team, however, could handle ranking 10 pages at a time.

      This is the logic behind it.

  2. Can your install please remove the previous location where Squirrlyis installed or use it. This update isn’t beginner friendly. I get a message that the update has failed because the folder already exists!

    I thought this would update would be simple to install!

    1. Thanks for the feedback.
      Once we release Squirrly 2019 official version, the plugin will be on WordPress Directory and the upgrade will be simpler.
      The official release will be at the beginning of April and you will not have to deactivate or replace any directory.

  3. In the previous version of Squirrly, when you start a new post, we were prompted to enter the keywords. Once we did this Squirrly will tell us the competition and whether it is a great keyword for ranking. With this version, I enter my keywords but I do not see the statistics for this keyword.

    Can you please advise on how to find how great a keyword is for ranking.


    1. Thank you for your question. In Squirrly 2019 we encourage people to do Keyword Research and to create a SEO strategy before creating articles.

      Keyword Research is the best solution for finding the keywords. Think about it, if you just see if a keyword is good or not this doesn’t mean that you find the best keyword and topic for your article. You will lose at least 3 other better keywords you can rank easier and probably trending lately.

      This is why we encourage you to use the Keyword Research to find keywords, add the best keywords in Briefcase and only after you created a SEO strategy, start writing the articles. This should be a weekly task and we’ve seen great results in doing this.

      This is one of the reasons we created Squirrly SEO Strategy.