Join the 14 Days Journey to Better WordPress Ranking.
You’ll get:
- the chance to fix in 14 days mistakes from years of bad SEO.
- the skills you need to succeed in 14 days
- access to the private JourneyTeam community where you can share your experience and talk about it (good and bad, all is accepted)
- receive help from the JourneyTeam and Private Feedback on your journey from Experts in WordPress, SEO and Digital Marketing (costs sponsored by Squirrly)
- an exact recipe to follow for 14 Days to bring one of your pages up in rankings, for a hands-on experience.
- all the costs (to third parties) involved with APIs, technology, cloud computing, etc. are fully sponsored by Squirrly SEO for WordPress. We sponsor every new member who wishes to become part of the winning JourneyTeam.
The only requirement is that you have a WordPress site.