Lesson 5: Moment of Truth. Showing our OWN stats and teaching you how to get yours


Such a great time to be in class today. You will get answers to some of your most burning questions like:

“Is this guy for real? I mean yeah, Squirrly does have 3Million downloads for their software, but do they really get that much traffic to their blog articles?”


“How do I find out what my traffic is for just one article?”

Basically, those are the two main things you’re going to get some valuable answers to.

Don’t worry. I already know that some of you didn’t really buy into the idea of getting 300 readers per article, and it’s no problem. I always question a lot of things as well, because it could be very easy for anyone to just say stuff, without having any kind of REAL data to back that up with.

Well anyway, as I’ve already got you familiar with the “No Talk. All Action” motto, let’s begin:

IS Squirrly for real? Do they really get 300 readers/blog article, or are they just wasting our time with this course?

The Screenshots will speak for themselves.

Article name[INFOGRAPHIC] How to maximize your networking skills at a start-up event

Article nameKickstarter vs Indiegogo. The crowdfunding gunslingers.

Remember: We’ve implemented all that you learned during Lessons 2, 3, and 4 to get to this number. Also, all that you will learn in the next couple of lessons.

Article nameFunding your startup is now a piece of cake

Of course, it wouldn’t have been possible if we hadn’t used our own Squirrly SEO software to optimize our articles to 100%. After getting a lot of social media love, the SEO juice really pushed us forward for different topics, so we got even more readers.


It’s possible to get that much traffic for just one article.

Just follow our methods and our lessons and you will get there.

The period in which we always measure is two weeks.

Don’t let your articles go to waste. Start getting real readers with this brand new course from Squirrly.

Now, let’s see how YOU can check out the traffic you have for each of your articles.

How do You see how much traffic one of your articles gets? How do you measure that?

Okay, The Moment of Truth has passed. Find out how to get your own stats, the right way using Google Analytics.


1) Connect to your Google account

2) Go To Google Analytics

(if you don’t know how, just search for “google analytics” in google)

3) Go to see the traffic details for one of your websites

4) In the bar, where it shows you an interval of different dates:

Make sure you select the date on which you published the article.

That’s the date on which I published the article I’m trying to get the number of readers for.

Okay? Great!

Now, go to your google analytics:

Make sure the interval is set right:

5) Go to: Behaviour -> Site Content -> All Pages.

Awesome. Now you see it right there: Number 10. Funding Your Startup is now a piece of cake.

Let’s move on.

6) Click on the page link for your article.

In my case, the link at number 10 (as specified above)

As I mentioned on that sticky note, you get to see the number of readers (12) on the date of publishing for this article.

7) Follow the next screenshots to find out how to get the right interval in order to properly measure the number of readers for ONE article.


The final element: What You NEED From All This

our own stats


Yes, it is! Now you can finally track the number of readers you’re getting for each article.

Make sure to repeat this process for any article on your site.

That’s it. You’ve just learned a new and valuable skill.

Do you wonder if the benchmark boxes are correct?

Well, you can finally check them out for yourself.

Try to see how far you are on your way to getting to 300 readers/blog article.

See you on the next lesson.

Innovator & CEO
Seasoned Entrepreneur, Content Marketing Trainer. Loves Archery, Writing, Coffee and Wine. VIP in the Delivering Happiness Movement. Helps startup communities.