Hide My WP Ghost by Squirrly – Version 6.0 is Here!

The moment we met John and his team, we didn’t know what this Journey will have in store for us, but it has been one amazing ride.

It started with a security problem we’ve had at the Squirrly Company and with John’s team helping us recover everything.

Then we started building things together (co-developing HMWP Ghost since 2018).

And I’m happy to announce and present more about the 6.0 Version of Hide My WP Ghost by Squirrly.

Here’s a short video that walks you through the brand new version of the plugin.

You can see more info and the new website.

In September 2021, we’ve worked incredibly hard to get the stable version out and we’ve implemented tons of feedback we received from our community over the years.

This has helped my personal sites more times than I can count… and in the 6.0 version it will also count for you and show you how it protected you in the Overview section.

It’s SaaS + plugin, and this means you also have access to the HMWP cloud app, where you can:

  • track events,
  • get alerts,
  • and even create your own alerts.

We’re still building more, and after launching 6.0 at the end of Sept 2021, we’ve actually finished all these brand new updates << see them in our roadmap (it’s filtered for ‘DONE”).

You gave us tons of feedback, and that’s why I really wanted to thank you and introduce this to those members of the community who didn’t find the new updates yet.

Here you can see what’s currently on the roadmap and we’ll add a few more ideas over the next few days.

Please make your own contributions, if there’s something you’d like to see in the brand new Hide My WP Ghost.

Innovator & CEO
Seasoned Entrepreneur, Content Marketing Trainer. Loves Archery, Writing, Coffee and Wine. VIP in the Delivering Happiness Movement. Helps startup communities.