Build Your Own Custom Learning Plan with Education Cloud PLUS!

Did you know that you can easily build your own custom learning plan with Education Cloud PLUS?

By using the “My Learning Plan” feature, you can save individual lessons from any course to your list with just one click.

This way, you can build a custom course that’s 100% tailored to what you want to learn and see the lessons that interest you the most, all neatly organized in one convenient list!

This short video shows you exactly how it works:

So, how can you get started? It’s super simple:

Once you start adding lessons to your list, accessing them is a breeze. Just head over to the Continue Learning section of Education Cloud PLUS.

All your chosen materials will be waiting for you there, ready for you to dive back in whenever you feel like it.

It’s like having your own personal treasure trove of knowledge!

One More Reason to Invest in a Premium Pass 

The option to build custom learning plans, along with unrestricted access to the Continue Learning section of Education Cloud PLUS is exclusively available with our Premium Pass.

Investing in a Premium Pass gives you access to these valuable features and so much more.

Plus, it’s incredibly affordable, with prices starting at just $9.99 USD per month! That’s less than the price of a fancy latte. ☕

Curious to learn more? Of ‘course’ you are! (you saw that pun coming, right?)

Click right here to discover more Premium Pass benefits >>

So, how about swapping that latte for a premium learning experience today?

Never stop learning!

Digital Marketing Expert, AI Enthusiast
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