There is a New Squirrly – Announcing the 2015 Version of our Software

There is a New Squirrly.

On the 27th of April you’ll be able to see it on the WordPress Directory.

For those of you who want to see it before we launch it, here it is:

Download the Beta

You’ll be able to see some of the new amazing features we’ve been working on for more than a year now.

Tweet: Squirrly is launching the 2015 version  of their #wordpress #plugin and #saas


You’re still covered by our For Humans guarantee:

– It’s designed to help you attract more Human Readers to your site, who will love your content and engage with your brand.

– It has all the latest 2015 improvements and requirements of Google to help you win customers this year.

– It’s 70% easier to use than our previous versions and also easier to understand. The test group was of 90 people who have been made to use Squirrly 2014 and Squirrly 2015. Their reactions were much faster for the new version and they discovered FEATURES THEY NEVER KNEW WE HAD! And also new ones, of course.

Needless to say:

– It checks for SEO Errors and tells if something is not compatible – This feature right here is a life-saver!

– Your ranking will get better by using the new version

– The search results will look beautiful for your business, because of JSON-LD

– Works perfect with Multisite installs

– Compatible with WP e-commerce plugins

– Your posts will save a lot faster and overall Squirrly will work a lot faster than it did before

– Keyword Research – By Country

– See Google Rankings for your pages – By Country

– The Best Sitemap integration on WordPress, offering even images and videos in the sitemap (this boosts their indexing, we’ve tested it!)

– You will get 100% help to reach SEO Star – If you reach even 90% SEO Star, your site will start getting indexed better and your rankings in Google will increase for all your pages.

Neil Patel of KissMetrics recommended Squirrly 2014 as a Must-Have! Wait ’til he gets the new one.

Try the Beta today

See why it rocks even more. Get better rankings

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Seasoned Entrepreneur, Content Marketing Trainer. Loves Archery, Writing, Coffee and Wine. VIP in the Delivering Happiness Movement. Helps startup communities.