We found a fix for ChatGPT. AI Prompting for Content Marketing Will Finally Make Sense

No more delve, revolutionize and other ChatGPT words.

Take a look at this post that completely fixes ChatGPT for you. Try it out on your own. We’ve tried it ourselves and we’ve managed to stop it from using “in conclusion”, “delve”, “harnessing”, “realm” and those it’s not just a X but also a Y.

And maybe let us know in a comment if there’s any other word that should be added to the ban list.

Other than reading from the group and learning from the others, we’ve started a few contributions of our own.

Join the group.

We think in 2024, we shouldn’t still be seeing dudes like this one:

… and dudes like this:

I am aContent Creator
Avid branding enthusiast, content creator, and proud teacher on Education Cloud PLUS.