Next Level Marketing Update: Almost Ready to Release the 2nd Alpha Version

Our waitlist for Next Level Marketing is now 640 people strong.

Here’s an update I know many of you were waiting for.

We’ve created the Credits system and added more control for our admins to the databases, as we plan to allow more people in than we did in the first Alpha version.

Now, user accounts will be ready for testing and scaling.

We’ve had to also work on the servers, to prepare for the upcoming wave of testers.

Progress on Next Level Marketing AI by Squirrly:

We’ve had to split everything into three different server clusters, to make sure all the processing won’t affect the main app server, which caused delays.

But otherwise, [development] is going great. We began using the keyword data from Next Level for our agency clients, with good results.

We are working on improving the API between NL and SQ Social.

And we’ll soon make a few changes to the WP plugin before Alpha release, to make the whole experience more streamlined.

Publishing to WP, social media, email inboxes will feel like it’s the same idea applied to all. This will make user setup much faster. So that users can set it and forget it.


There was a delay caused by splitting the servers, and also another one caused by the fact we’ve realized with the first batch of Alpha version users that we need to make the experience similar.

That way, a user will set it and forget it.

Then work solely on approvals, and the entire Next Level platform, along with the WordPress connections, Squirrly Social connections, Email Hero connections will perform all tasks without further intervention, based on the set-it-and-forget-it rules.

Because we will use the Credits system I mentioned earlier, Next Level Marketing will use those apps created by our Company on your behalf WITHOUT costing you any extra money.

NL will use the free versions of those apps to handle content distribution for you.

The Next Level Marketing workflow is made in such way that you can work with any website or content platform you want, not just WordPress. The plugin for WP is just an optional component. The demand for Next Level Marketing and AI Hub are higher than anticipated.

We will slowly get all the people who signed up for the waitlist in to try NL, it will just take a bit longer.

But it will be worth it.

The world’s first End-to-End marketing system is almost ready.

Innovator & CEO
Seasoned Entrepreneur, Content Marketing Trainer. Loves Archery, Writing, Coffee and Wine. VIP in the Delivering Happiness Movement. Helps startup communities.