9 Things the Internet Teaches You About Working With Article Writers

Article Writers Come In All Shapes & Sizes

This term can encompass a myriad of talent levels, topics and qualifications. If you’re in the content marketing field, you need to be familiar with this term and fully comprehend the broad space it covers.

The most important thing to know is that not all article writers are equal. Not all of them are educated in the same manner. In fact, some may have little to no computer marketing experience, while others may have extensive training on the matter.

Some may have a formal college background in writing while others have none, but sure know their way around Internet marketing.

Then, there’s some that have absolutely no education, no computer background and no marketing experience, yet they enter this field and kick butt.

In finding the perfect article writer, you need to know exactly what you’re looking for when you buy articles. In many cases, one person may be perfect for a few articles, but not able to engage your audience on other topics.

This is because not every single writer you come across has the same education level and they certainly aren’t a walking encyclopedia, being able to write the best on any given topic.

article writersPhoto Credits: Vicki Watkins’ Flickr

Here are some things about article writers to keep in mind:

1)  Writers are unique and each one has their very own style.

2)  Some are experts on some subjects and face difficulty with other topics.

3)  It’s difficult to find high quality writers who can produce articles at a fast turnover rate.

4)  Article writers don’t always provide valid data and statistics. Not all of them have a lot of experience when it comes to doing proper research.

5)  Many of them are in such a rush to meet their deadlines that they don’t take the time to specifically write the articles according to your target audience.

6)  High quality writers usually have some experience in content marketing, so they’re familiar with the most up-to-date buzzwords and trending topics. You can bet that they’ll include them in their writing.

7)  They need clear, concise knowledge about who your target audience is and what message you want to convey to them.

8)  Article writers have varied skill levels. Some are excellent at creating attention grabbing headlines, but can’t keep the audience engaged. Others can do both, but only at a mediocre level. Then, there’s others who write amazing content geared toward your audience, but can’t seem to master the headlines or the subheads.

9)  Article writers must be able to write powerful calls to action. However, some of them don’t even know what they are.

In knowing this, how do you go about finding an article writer that fits your needs, targets your audience, writes powerful calls to action and generally improves your business? If you’re looking for 300 or more readers per post and your content writer isn’t making it happen, we can help.

The article writers at Squirrly are carefully, and we do mean very carefully, selected according to their experience and their strengths. This way, if one writer is weak in one area or doesn’t have knowledge on a particular topic, we make sure we have another one who is able to take over.

What does this mean for you? This means that no matter who your audience is or what topics you’d like covered for your business, our writers can do the job.

As a result, you can turn your attention to other aspects of your business. You won’t have to deal with the pressure of constantly trying to create new, engaging content because you’ll be able to leave it to our professionally trained article writers. Contact us today and we’ll cater a plan that meets all your business goals.


Lynn is an expert at infusing mental skills into online business to improve sales, productivity and personal branding.