At the moment there are a hundred customers of the Squirrly Company who own all of our SaaS products, under one yearly license: Squirrly Digital.
We’ve mostly presented this on an individual level until now.
Also, our partners from the web dev kit program, have shown this special license to their own customers, for which we do thank them.
Since companies which cater to the user audience, such as Elegant Themes and Thrive, create special yearly plans that give access to all their software products, we’ve had customers asking us to do the same.
Squirrly Digital: From Customer Request to Actual Product.
This started happening the moment we’ve announced our Autumn Updates last year.
Most of our customers learnt about Squirrly Social and Squirrly SPY for the first time, from that blog post. It was a great moment, and I was happy they felt this need.
I’ve been recently called a very talkative CEO, in a recent article from
They mean that in the sense that I spend a lot of my time talking to customers. Spoiler alert: that’s the reason why innovations such as “Focus Pages” happen at our company. See more in my recent keynote.
Naturally, this all lead me to talk to them on the phone and via Zoom. To get the real reasons behind why they wanted something like this in the first place. I like to do the real work, not just make random assumptions.
It turns out that people who choose our company as software provider have a really great experience with being a customer. Regardless of which product they purchased first: Starbox, Squirrly Social, ContentLook, Squirrly SEO or Squirrly SPY, they love the value they get for their money and try to buy some more.
All things considered, they ended up seeing they could really rely on our stack of marketing tools to take their WordPress sites to the next level.
However, one of the most common pain points was: “if I buy each product separately, then I’ll have different renewal dates, different invoices, different aspects to keep track of. Can’t you offer me just one license which unlocks everything you have to offer?”
This was amazing insight, since most of our customers own multiple products.
That’s why at the moment, Squirrly Digital is a license which you buy and gives you access to our 5 best-selling products.
Just one license: paid and invoiced yearly.
As easy as that.
How does it work?
Once you buy the license, we start working on getting your accounts ready. It’s a real white glove service, for which we do NOT charge an extra setup fee (which has also been an important selling point in the eyes of our customers).
You just buy the yearly license ($ 1029.88 USD) and we start creating all the necessary accounts and activating everything on our end, so that when your delivery is ready: you can just login and start using everything.
It reduces all the friction and all the stress you’d naturally have when setting 5 accounts in one day, by yourself.
Once we finish this setup, you’re good to go.
Ready to own your Squirrly Digital license?
- Just go to our Facebook page and message us.
We’ll help you get access.
What’s Included In This Plan?
One single payment will give you access to:
– Squirrly SEO PRO ($360 USD / year)
– Squirrly Social: One Team Plan (179.88 / year)
– Starbox PRO ($30 USD / year)
– ContentLook: One Website Plan ($360 USD / year)
– Squirrly SPY : 2x reports ($100 USD)
Total Value of Squirrly DIGITAL: $1,029.88 USD / year