There are millions of ways to create a content marketing strategies but there are few that climb to the top of the success mountain in this domain. The obvious question is why? If there are so many people that talk about it and are implicated in the subject, how come so few of them actually manage to achieve it.
The secret formula of Content Marketing
Most people think that success is obtained through intuitive process. Someone had a brilliant idea and they change everything. That might be true but go a little further on the subject. Nobody had a brilliant idea in a subject that they have just hear about, or change the world with the first thought they had. Those great ideas that made us look different at things were obtained after hard work.
In the content marketing game it’s all the same. To get to that popularity of being a great source of information and entertainment, you have to work a lot. You build up experience in creating quality content and social media promoting. What also happens in the process is the fact that you find what is unique to you and the people you want write for.
Just as Ira Glass told in the advice for beginners, “Do a lot of work”. Content marketing is a creative work like any other and as much as you’d listen to what everybody writes on the internet and how to build your strategy and what is important, you have to find your own way. It’s all about taking the responsibility of creating content, that is important to your audience. As you create Human friendly content you will be appreciated.
Do what you love, cause then you’ll love what you do
I’d like to think that most of your reactions to the headline were “But I already do what I love”. Even in that case , particularise it. If you are in the content marketing business and you’re the one that creates the articles. You love creating some type more. Maybe videos are your thing or you just love writing tutorials, doesn’t matter what it is. Focus on it and get better at it each day.
Once you get started, you won’t be able to stop. The work will call you and you’ll do it because you love it and makes you smile. Work on the things that you are not the best at and find out if they can’t be something you like as well. If they aren’t pass them to someone that enjoys them. They’ll do a better job at in the end.
Reflect on your work
If Content Marketing is the way you want to promote your brand, you have to take time to reflect on your work and decisions. It’s not a science yet. You have to be attentive to your public and adapt. Its all about working with people and making them like you and your product. Make them trust you and want your product.
Take time as often as possible to see if what you have lately tried out actually worked or not. What are the points in your content marketing strategy that you have to keep on working. Make sure that the relationship you are building with your customers and prospect clients is a fruitful one.
Even if you adjust the site and its content to the market make sure your not depersonalising yourself. Make sure that ideas or way of presenting things that you love is clearly understood by your readers. It might be a problem with the implementation not the concept. Having a feedback system is what will help you stick on the right path.
In the end the important part in content marketing is to keep working, creating the content that your enjoy and want to promote. You’ll find your creator persona, while making sure that your decisions are the right ones. I’d like to hear about your own experience in the content marketing creation field. What are your main problems and difficulties ? Lots of room to chat in the comment section.