[INFOGRAPHIC] Top 7 startup resources

The Internet has become a powerful tool when it comes to keeping yourself informed. There are so many ways to research the topics you’re interested in, and find the best sources on that subject.

Get the most out of those startup resources

As you are an entrepreneur, I am sure that many times you are dealing with uncertainty. There are so many businesses out there that fail within an year. To make sure you avoid that, I thought about you and made an infographic of startup resources that will help you start your business on the right foot. There is no greater advantage than to be informed and do your research, preferably beforehand.


Besides resources, there are also a number of tools that you can use, which can help you with web meetings, file storage, email delivery, project management, or keeping a list of the people  you can network with. For a more in depth insight on startups, you can also check out these resources, which are listed based on categories.

This my top 7 resources for startups. Which one of these startup resources do you use? If you don’t use any of these, recommend some that you’ve found useful.

Getting my marketing groove on at Digital Marketing Superstars (you can join, too).