These days, when I talk to new people and tell them that I do content marketing trainings, the conversation always goes in one of three possible directions:
1. they want to know if they should pick ads / or / content marketing
2. they want to know why their content doesn’t perform at all (and why for others it works)
3. they want to know how to start doing content marketing and ask me for advice on how to get started.
I said that instead of going on and asking $5,000 to $10,000 for the consulting and training of their teams, as I usually do, I’d just go ahead and make a MasterClass for Content Marketing, in the form of a MOOC (like you see on coursera.org).
We’ll call it the Squirrly Academy, and it will answer all of these questions.
Plus, it will show you how to get up and running with content that will perform unreasonably well on both search and social media.
I thought you might be interested in hearing about this, as you also probably have one of these questions at the present moment
Best regards,