Why We Love Content Marketing (and You Should, Too!)

Content Marketing Boosts Your Bottom Line! Today, content doesn’t just consist of words in an article. Content can be videos, images, infographics, slide shows, and animation.  It is the basis of your brand. It’s not just about getting the basic product information out. With content, you can tell a story, generate excitement, evoke emotion, pinpoint […]

The dominance of content marketing will be even higher in 2015

What the next year has waiting for us ? We seem to always wonder about what will come to be of the industry we work in and the content marketing field. Most known marketers have their own speculations. In any senses the digital marketing approach will become more empowered, but why ? Choosing Quality over […]

Top 10 most amazing content marketing blogs

Content marketing is on everybody’s lips right now. Since many people don’t really know what it is, and think of it as a buzzword, I thought I would make a top 10 of the best blogs that can teach everything you need to know about content marketing. If you’re considering creating your own content strategy, […]

How to Intensify Your Content Marketing for Improved Results

Content marketing has already become the favorite online strategy for most businesses as it creates a link between brand awareness and lead generation. If well done, it builds trust and brand loyalty among prospective and current customers by providing engaging and relevant information. Unfortunately, there is so much content created on a daily basis that even […]

5 content marketing softwares you want to try in their beta [infographic]

Creating and managing content is a difficult task we all need to face every day. We wish there was a software or a widget that could make our lives easier. Some people actually take action and develop the software that we need, but they have to make sure that everything works right for each content marketing […]

How does KISSmetrics engage with its public through content marketing

If you search on Google “KISSmetrics”, you will get approximately 733 000 results. And if you search “KISSmetrics content marketing” you will get around 135 000 results. That’s amazing! There are a lot of websites out there that write about KISSmetrics, and what they do. The story behind KISSmetrics First of all, KISSmetrics is an […]

Onboardly – helping startups with content marketing and PR

You hear people talking about content marketing everywhere. It’s just one of those things that is on everybody’s lips, and you can’t help but be curious about it, or even get a taste of it. So, startups from all over the world, get Onboard(ly)! Renée Warren, co-founder and CEO at Onboardly, answers my questions Renée […]

Buffer’s success with content marketing

Clearly, content marketing is everywhere. More and more startups get a hold of its huge potential and use it in their strategy. Today, it’s time for another success story, which will hopefully inspire your day. Buffer is the largest social media management platform You read that right. Buffer is a free app that helps you schedule […]

5 Most Inspirational Bloggers In Content Marketing World [infographic]

A new episode from our mini-series of “5 most inspirational bloggers” is on. This time it’s about the most inspirational ones in the content marketing world. My team-mate, Alexandra, did a little research in this huge field and here are our top 5 inspirational content marketers. I’m pretty sure you know of them, or at least heard […]

Some Cool Project I’m working on, that you might like

Hey, These days, when I talk to new people and tell them that I do content marketing trainings, the conversation always goes in one of three possible directions: 1. they want to know if they should pick ads / or / content marketing 2. they want to know why their content doesn’t perform at all […]