Family-Run Company Shifts into High Gear with WordPress SEO

Conquest Carbon is a great company for all you passionate motorcyclists out there, but the appealing sound of the engine was not enough to get across to their online audience. That’s why Squirrlys plugin for WordPress Seo gave them the helping hand in getting on track to become as popular as Valentino Rossi. Who are […]
Using the inner workings of future search for better WordPress SEO
As we are familiar now, each year Moz’s Search Engine Ranking Factors Survey is presented. While browsing the statics and understanding the factors I realised that for better WordPress SEO, the Squirrly plugin has simplified lots of the information presented there. Getting in Google’s good graces, and even keeping that status, takes lots of hard SEO […]
The road map to properly implementing WordPress SEO
I’ve had the pleasure a while back to stumble upon an article by Heather Lloyd-Martin not just tackling WordPress SEO but copywritting in general and the steps needed to properly get where you want to. She made a very interesting analogy between SEO and real-life: “You suddenly decide to move to Chicago. Instead of lining […]
How Pandas, Penguins and Phantoms changed WordPress Seo
You’ve probably heard a lot of talks in the past months about animals and paranormal beings affecting wordpress seo or even more so the web in general. Let me start by clarifying that these are not the fluffy, cute respectively spooky beings you’re probably thinking about. They’re actually algorithms Google implemented on their search engines […]
31 Things to Do to Make Your WordPress SEO Take Off
Up until now, wordpress seo has been and still is our favorite subject to cover on this blog. It doesn’t always have to be stuff that me, Andreea or Calin are writing actually 🙂 Rohit, from, wrote an awesome article called “31 Ways to Boost The SEO of Your WordPress Site”, which you can find here: […]
Get your WordPress SEO up by Blogging Like a Rockstar
You need to pay close attention to the tale you are about to hear of the secrets of blogging like a rock star, for it will help not only your content marketing efforts, but also your wordpress seo. Many years ago at bedtime your dad and mom tucked you in nice and comfy, and then […]
Squirrely in love with our Customers. Why do we offer Excellence?
For companies who are just starting out, there is no excuse for not having amazing Customer Service, but we’re pushing that boundary, because we are squirrely about offering Excellence in customer service. SquirrlyUK The Content Marketing Company That You Should Work With.
Open Invitation to Guest Blog on our WordPress SEO Blog
Blogging is the new way to build pages in your website that are valuable for visitors and it’s the right way to do really good wordpress seo. Also, I sometimes think that guest blogging is really the new backlinking. CalinVingan I’ve been into Software Engineering and Web Development since 2001, amassing great knowledge in IT. We’re […]
The Future of SEO with Mike Barnes and a talk on WordPress SEO
Calin and Florin always keep telling me that the Future of WordPress SEO is White Hat SEO. Of course, they’re the guys with a lot of experience, so it’s better we’d all learn from them. You can imagine what kind of experience you gain after working on over 500 web projects. Florin, the CEO of Squirrly UK, will get all […]