Search engine optimization is where you put in lots of work in hopes that your site will bring you in the end more clients. Of course for the best SEO you first want to rank high in SERPs. In order to get to all the New Year resolutions you though of for 2014, you have be ahead of the game. Here are a few ideas of what you should put into place to make sure that this year will bring in the result you want.
Analyse 2013 results
Look over your work for achieving the best SEO in 2013. First off all compare them with what you had in mind for last year. Did you accomplish those goals ? If you did, was it simple and the task were to easy ? if not, was the problem that you wanted to achieve to much? or there were certain problems in the work flow ? Identify these points so you know what you have to change in formulating the KPIs for 2014.
Also have a clear position where you stand and how far are you from your idea of best SEO. Don’t forget that even if the raise is long and there is lots of effort to put in, it’s only with yourself. You have to become a better company with a better internet presence. And you can’t start the journey if don’t know where you are and where you want to get.
Discuss your resolutions
Before deciding on the full metrics of where your site and social media activity has to get for the best SEO 2014, discuss them with your team. Take their input, because they are part of your master plan as well. If your the solo content creator talk to your readers and anybody that is involved in your work. You can even give them a survey. You can find out where they see you are and where they would want you to go.
They might not give you the final destination of your plan but they make sure that you are on the right direction. In the end the people you work with, even your clients are assets of your firm. It’s much easier to keep a client then obtain a new one, plus they love to be involved in your brand and work. Let’s not forget that can be future references as well.
Create an inbound marketing calendar
Establishing the plan for achieving best SEO in 2014 is the simple part. Now you have to find a way to stick to that plan and continuously work on it. It the long run organizing your work before you start is what will make your strategy work. That’s why an editorial calendar is important.
Keep in mind your goals and the specific of your brand when establishing it. You can find out more about how to create one and efficiently integrated in your day to day work if you check this article out. It’s all about cutting down your work in manageable pieces.
Connect your efforts for the best SEO outcome
The most important aspect that should be your concern at the start of this work is to create a strategy of connecting your work. Come up with a way of transforming your on-line presence in one big web. Make sure that the content on site with your presence on social media platform work together. This perspective will take your prospect clients from the Top to the Bottom of the Funnel.
Think of the Humans you interact with in the internet as flies. When they find something you created, let’s say a post on Facebook, and click on it because it is convincing, make sure they stick to the web. You have to make them want to jump from there your site, then to the blog and then comment and then check your products. Make them forget about time when they are inside your web. What you should create for best SEO is a plan that contains accessible links, intuitive flow of information and quality content. If you make sure that your plan includes all of this the efficiency of your overall work will be better.
Keep in mind to have a prospect of what are the steps you want to take to be close to the best SEO in 2014. Discuss them, write them down, organise them so you will stick to them and connected them for your audience. A well planned start will count more than rushing into things.
What about you guys ? What are doing at the start of the year for getting to the best SEO this year ? Can’t wait to hear your plan in the comment section.