Exciting Updates to our AI Projects and Subscribe to Beta

Many of you have been asking us about the status of our AI projects.

I will let you know more in today’s article.

About our two new AI Projects:

We have the Beta List for AI Hub by Squirrly.

And the Beta List for Next Level Marketing by Squirrly.

You can join them, and we will use those lists to keep you updated on our progress.

By signing up right there, we will know how many of you are interested in each project.

Next Level:

I’m really curious to know how many of you will love the idea of having One-Click marketing.

Read the whole idea for Next Level Marketing here.

Next Level Marketing by Squirrly is a completely new AI Concept that moves beyond just using generative AI in a new way.

It will make you a strategy, tailored to your particular business, and then execute that strategy, all the while using software created by the Squirrly Company:

  • Squirrly SEO to distribute your content to search engines.
  • Email Hero App by Squirrly (soon to be released) to distribute your content to your email lists.
  • Squirrly Social to engage your audiences on all your social media profiles.
  • Hide My WP Ghost to secure the new pages that will be created.

And a lot more, which you can read about here – go on.

There is NO other company positioned well enough to do this (end-to-end)… except us.

Oh, and the usage of these software products will be included in the premium AI credits, so there will be nothing else to pay for having our AI use each software to execute your strategy.

There will be an assisted mode (where you hold all control and get a bunch of AI Experts working around the clock for you to do everything I’ve mentioned) and a fully automated mode, that gives you one-click marketing.

You’ll be able to just input a main topic for your site.

It can be something as basic (and bad for SEO) as “jewelry”.

And then our AI Experts will make keyword research using our Keyword Research formulas and the Keyword Research tool from Squirrly SEO.

After that, it will create a content plan, and after you approve it, it will start workflows for creating, publishing, and then promoting the content through your channels.

You will be consulted before each action, just like you would if you were to hire a whole agency of human experts.

See Next Level Marketing by Squirrly here.

Initial AI Project:

We created a new button in the Blogging Assistant of Squirrly SEO in January 2023 that said “AI Content“.

It was easy to use and it actually used the Davinci model in OpenAI (back then GPT3.5 was not on the API) to optimize up to 75% (as calculated by the SEO Live Assistant) for the keyword that was set as the main keyword.

It generated the title and the content of the page.

By February, we’d already made many iterations and it was nice how it was integrated and how you could see all the previously generated posts.

A whole AI Content Creation workflow directly in Edit Post inside WordPress.

And it optimized for the main keyword, unlike other AI content generators out there.

Welcome to the AI Hub:

However, we felt we can do more, so we didn’t start packaging this new technology we’ve built into a product just yet.

We can do more for users, and with all the AI writers out there, I knew that Squirrly had to come up with something better.

With my team studying many applications, we realized that we can help our users enhance everything they do:

From research —>> to creating content —>> to promoting the new content.

We didn’t have to limit ourselves to blog posts, nor landing pages.

We could tackle podcast research, creation, promotion. Same for videos, infographics, and a lot more.

That’s why we didn’t release it yet. We’ve tested tons of prompts for all kinds of workflows and we think that AI Hub by Squirrly will be a real help in all aspects of building an online presence.

And we’ll find ways to integrate it with the whole Squirrly Digital Pack, not just Squirrly SEO.

We’re not going to settle for less and release a product I don’t believe in.

Everything we do needs to be a good addition to our current line-up in our family of products for Entrepreneurs.

In AI Hub by Squirrly, users will use a few drop-down menus and complete a few input fields, after which AI Hub will run the best prompts possible for the task and the context given by the client.

In Next Level Marketing, the client will be able to just take a sit and let the AI handle everything.

See which one you’d like.

We’re genuinely curious about all the possibilities.

Thanks to your support, we’ve reached the milestone of: Two-Years-In-A-Row Most Awarded SEO Tool of the Year.

(see the awards here)

I’m excited about our Journey together this year.

Innovator & CEO
Seasoned Entrepreneur, Content Marketing Trainer. Loves Archery, Writing, Coffee and Wine. VIP in the Delivering Happiness Movement. Helps startup communities.