7 To Do’s after publishing on Your WordPress Blog

I have met many people who think if you’re going to build a product or publish an article on your WordPress Blog, people will come. That line of “Build it and they will come” is getting old, my friends, and it’s totally not true.

For all those people out there who still believe that, I will explain how that does not apply and what you can actually do to make it work for you.

What Do You Need to Build?

Let’s think about it. Even Noah got the animals on the arc on his own and people didn’t believe him. He built it, and still, people didn’t come to his arc until it was too late.

And to predict the “Yes, but …” line here, I am going to explain how the same “build it and they will come” principle doesn’t apply for celebrities or any big WordPress blog either.

It’s true if Copyblogger writes an article this instant, people will see it even if they never promote it. But why is that?

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Because they have built a community of readers who are alerted when a new post is created on their site, check their social media profiles, and their blog in the end.

They also rank up on SERPs on their keywords so people end up on their blog if they search something connected to their field.

If there is something that you need to build, then that is clear group of people around your WordPress blog. You might create the most awesome content but if people don’t know about it, no one is going to appreciate it.

Make it easy for them to find you. So here comes your to-do list to make each article you publish count.


7 To-Do’s After Publishing on Your WordPress Blog

[sqcta text=”Ping Your Articles. ” type=”bullet” color=”yellow” cnt=”1″]

 Googleping.com, pingoat.net, and pingomatic.co are sites that send your article for indexing. Basically, they send crawlers to your article.

Pinging your article on one of these sites is the same as telling a search engine, “Hey, look, I wrote something. Add it to your indexing so people can find it.”

If you deliver a constant flow of content on your WordPress blog, in time, the crawlers will know to search for new articles on your site, but, in the beginning, ping each article after you have published it.

If you have a WordPress SEO plugin like Squirrly you can easily control what pages are indexed and which are not.

[sqcta text=”Social Media Bookmarking.” type=”bullet” color=”yellow” cnt=”2″]

Put your content out there. Let people know on social media what you have done lately and post your news article from your WordPress blog.

You’ll need to create accounts on relevant social media sites and grow your following. The more people you engage with on these sites, the larger the number of people who will see you posted something when you announce it.

But the best part is that you can use Squirrly Social to this automatically for you. If you connect your WordPress site to it, each new post you publish will automatically be scheduled to be published to your Social Media profiles.

[sqcta text=”Feed It to the Audience. ” type=”bullet” color=”yellow” cnt=”3″]

Some people stay connected to your site through feeds because it lets them know each time you post something new. You’ll find your feed at http://www.yourdomein.com/feed.

We recommend you submit it to a few feed collection sites like friendfeed.com or feedburner.com. Also, make sure to have a RSS button on the site for your visitors.

[sqcta text=”Comment on Relevant Sites. ” type=”bullet” color=”yellow” cnt=”4″]

To be able to keep your WordPress blog relevant, you should keep up to date with the latest in the field. That’s why I recommend you read as many blogs in your industry. Also, try to comment.

Some sites may give you the opportunity to add the link to your site. Don’t enter spammy comments because they will be moderated and, more importantly, no one will visit your site if you don’t seem to have value to offer.

[sqcta text=”Start Relevant Discussions. ” type=”bullet” color=”yellow” cnt=”5″]

Besides social media, there are other sites, like Quora.com or Inbound.org, where your WordPress blog might win some traffic. Write answers to questions and recommend other peoples’ materials.

You can self-promote but don’t make it all about your site. Try to be helpful and prove you know your field.

[sqcta text=”Be Mobile.” type=”bullet” color=”yellow” cnt=”6″]

Find apps that distribute your content on mobile devices. (android, ios, etc.). Most people get their information while on the go, a reason why making sure you have access to this growing community with your own WordPress blog is very important.

Also, make sure that your site has either a responsive design or a mobile interface so that the user can enjoy your site directly from their devices.


[sqcta text=”Social Media and Google Ads. ” type=”bullet” color=”yellow” cnt=”7″]

Last, but not least, there is the opportunity of using ads. It’s a great way of getting you started but I don’t recommend it as a long strategy or relying solely on it. For WordPress blog beginners, it gives you the chance for your content to reach the first few people when no one knows about you. Make sure to target the right keywords and demographics.

One important aspect of the whole process is encouraging your readers to become loyal by delivering constant quality posts. This way, the number of people who come back to your WordPress blog will be constantly growing.

And Google cares if you have people who come back to your site. Why? Because that means what you write is worth reading if people come to see more. But they have to know about it first.

[sqcta text=”How Squirrly Can Help You Keep an Eye On if They are Coming” type=”header”  color=”gray”]

Squirrly Performance Analytics is a great tool to monitor the unique visitors and the overall traffic of each post. If the difference between the total visit and the unique visitors is larger, that means that those readers have come back several times. And that’s a good thing.

Besides traffic, Squirrly Performance Analytics also gives you an overview of the social media impact of each article on your WordPress blog. This shows you if your readers have liked, shared, tweeted, and +1 your article. A high social media impact also helps you in Google’s ranking.

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Another type of information you can find out about each of your articles from your WordPress blog are the Inbound links. These show you how many other sites the link to your article appears on.

Besides the number of links, the authority of those links is also important. Our feature will show you the Authority of the site and you can see if they are important or not. A good score is over 30.

Important Takeaways for Your Blog

After publishing each article, make sure that this gets to the readers.

The distribution through social media has proven to be an efficient and cost-effective way to promote your articles, even if it will take some time to build a solid following.

Don’t forget to check your 7 items on the to-do list to make each article count in the bigger strategy.

So do you still believe that if you build it, they will come? Tell us more about how you promote your WordPress blog? The comment section awaits!

Happily typing great stuff for our site and our customers. Helps with business development and has become the COO of the company. Loves Super Mario games, reading SF and fantasy novels and having a great time with friends.