How Squirrly article Rank fits in your content marketing scheme

Content marketing is one of the strategies that can help anyone to improve their Google search. From a small business that have extended their activity online, to even young graduate students that want to form a better internet presents for future employers.  Thanking into account how many people want to position their sites on the first page of search engines is absurd to expect to transform all of these people in SEO gurus and exceptional content marketing bloggers.

Making each article count in your content marketing scheme

You found out how the Live SEO assistant helps you in your content marketing scheme through on-page SEO for Alex’s own experience. Now I’m going to focus on how Squirrly can transform your in a social media expert in just a few clicks.

content marketing


Once we’ve published your 100% optimized article, in your posts page of your dashboard you find the article rank. Each article that you have optimized with the Squirrly WordPress plugin has a +value progress. This shows an overall score of how your article has done on social media and visitors. The same information can be found if you edit those post. In this case the Google SERP Checker will be just bellow your post editor.

To get more details you just have to push the see rank button. This will open the first information about the article. First of all you’ll find out of Google knows about you. In the right side you’ll find out if the article has had it’s url indexed yet or not. Why is this important ? Well contrary to popular belief, Google doesn’t know everything that’s on the internet. When you open a new query on Google, you search in his Indexer. So if you want your article to count in your content marketing scheme it has to be found in queries, there for to be indexed. If it’s not, you can ping your article on Pingout or other similar sites.

content marketing

Squirrly’s Article Rank, putting your efforts on the right path

Going on you can also see the comparison between your article and the average of your site. This compared graphic can give you a clear conclusion on how popular that particular post was. That is important to better understand your already formed audience. These are the visitors that are already familiar to your site and come back to read more. If they haven’t found anything interesting in the start of your article they did not choose to read all of it and there for didn’t share it with their friends on any social media platform.

content marketing

On the other hand if a post is doing much better than your average, promote it more. It means that you triggered a response and your content was appealing. Try to create more similar post and get us much feedback as you can on that post from people so you can determine what made them like it an recommend it  to other.

Trends: going up, going down

Right in the middle of this feature you will find a matrix with 3 blue arrows. Here you will find the concrete information about this particular article. You can see in the first column how your article has been doing lately from 3 perspectives. The first upper row is about how much traffic the article had. This takes into account the person that actually visited your post. And it gives you fix concrete numbesr. Do keep in mind that it counts the overall visits not the unique ones.

content marketing

Going lower on the second row we can find the social media impact which is highly important from a content marketing point of view. The value there is the sum of all your shares, likes, +1, tweets and any other share buttons are implemented on your page. But keep in mind that the feature counts only the ones that have been given directly from your article. Meaning it doesn’t count the re-shares or likes people gave to each post on those social media platforms.


In the last row we have the links to the article found on the internet. If someone integrates your link into an article on the internet the counter will show that. I love the fact that there are the 3 columns cause I can compare the latest activity and traffic this particle article has brought to the site in comparison to the last 7 days and the last 30 days. This determines how I reshape my content marketing strategy for my next article cause I clearly know if my online audience appreciated that content or not.

In the far left side we can see the overall performance of the article. In the long run this are the most important statics. Because we don’t simply want to get on the first page of a search engine and then fall back down again. We essentially want to stay in Google’s first ranks for as long as possible and that means our content is visited and revisited, over time.

content marketing

The plugin has always helped for SEO but this feature is more focused on content marketing by evaluating how one is doing on Google and other social media sites. You want people to talk about you and make the biggest buzz possible about your content and that’s why in the future articles we will enter in the more details part of this feature. That way you will get the most out of your content marketing scheme and learn more about the quirks of why all of this is important. But using the information the feature offers you just in this part should sky rocket your traffic.

Always check how your article is performing in social media, not just because Google care but because you should care what your audience reacts to your content.

Happily typing great stuff for our site and our customers. Helps with business development and has become the COO of the company. Loves Super Mario games, reading SF and fantasy novels and having a great time with friends.