Buy quality articles and get the best content

Buy quality articles. Buy quality content.

They say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Well, we’ve all got our own different ways of seeing and measuring beauty: the aesthetic value, the emotional stirring, the striking features, whatever this beauty is, it is based on a sort of quality. When you buy something you search for quality. No matter your tastes, you want them to be satisfied. In the content marketing world, things carry on in the same fashion. When you buy quality articles, you wish for quality content.

buy quality articles

Content shopping spree.

Whether you have an online business or a blog, you probably know that engaging your audience is vital. Your fans, clients and readers reach to you many times through the content you offer them. Without them you’re zero. So, they constantly check your blog-posts, your articles and your news-feed. They like to be kept informed, and let’s face it: don’t you?

The only problem arrives with going on a content shopping spree. Florin Muresan, the CEO of Squirrly gives clear advice: Your company should buy articles for your blog: what this means and how to do it. You might not have the time to produce content on your own, or you might not have a content writer. Sure, you can argue that you’d better hire one, but think twice: do you need so much content as to give a full-time job to a content writer?

Instead of making the task of writing content seem like a burden for an employee who’s already doing their assigned job in your business, or unnecessarily hiring a full-time writer, you could buy quality articles for your blog. However, don’t rush on a content shopping spree, and just buy any article that’s out there on the web. Don’t buy in bulk and don’t buy from companies that are not trustworthy. Choose quality over quantity and buy sensibly.

How to recognize quality content?

Up to this point I’ve spoken to you as a friend, who wanted to give you a piece of advice. Now, I want to speak to you from my position as a content writer. I work for Squirrly, which is an online content marketing company based in the U.K., and I make sure to provide our clients with the best content I possibly can.

Squirrly designed a WordPress Plugin, which helps you optimize your content while you are writing it. You can write posts that are 100% SEO. The Squirrly SEO Live Assistant gives you advice while you are typing, on how to optimize the title, the content, the headlines, the images, and so on. It is really great. I use it myself, and I might say that before using it, my articles weren’t this good.

Now, this is all about optimized content, but there is more to building quality content. When you buy articles, make sure that the company you work with offers you SEOd content. Squirrly is one example, ghostBloggers is another.  Tip: after you buy content, check it carefully and keep in touch with the content writing company in case of necessary changes. Also, see what feedback you get from your audience.

“You can’t fake passion.”

buy quality articles

This is actually a quote from Barbara Corcoran, which I believe in. Every piece of quality content speaks to its readers. The passion and energy a true content writer invested in an article can be breathed in by the readers. This can’t be faked out, and you’ll spot it right away. Without  it the articles you receive will sound plain, copied from whatever there is on the Internet and down-right dull. Not to mention, they won’t attract more readers, stir reactions or engage your audience. True passion is felt by real content writers, who enjoy what they do, who love their job. That’s why instead of giving this task to be done additionally by someone from your company, who won’t do it with passion, energy and won’t invest time and effort in it, you should buy quality articles from passionate writers.

Quality content is like magic

When you read articles made by real content writers you feel you’re under a spell. They’re bewitching, intriguing and attract you instantly. They want to tell you something more than what’s already out there on the web. First of all, they think about you, your interests, needs, desires and they want to improve your life in some way.  A good article is 80% about its audience and only 20% about promoting a product/business/project.

What immediately strikes you at a great article is its originality and authenticity. It’s like you know there’s a great writer behind it speaking directly to you. It’s not like you’re randomly reading a robot-like post from the virtual world of the internet.

Quality content is also easy to comprehend and skim. It makes its subject easy going for its audience. So, it has good structure, correct grammar and spelling, and it sends a comprehensive message.

The duty of a content writer

I think I’ve done my duty as a content writer and I told you how I see quality content. For me it’s like magic. When you read it, you don’t think of time and what you were doing 5 minutes before. You’re completely immersed in its subject. And you learn something from it, or you enjoy just reading it.

Frankly speaking, it’s best that we all do our jobs. Content writers become trained and specialized in different and specialized fields, so that they can provide you with the best content. A company or a blog that wants to be professional should respect this, so they should buy quality articles from specialized content writers.

Everybody says that brands should become publishers, and that is perfectly true. They should become publishers, not writers. Just like big publishing houses like Penguin or Orbit get to simply publish writers. That’s what brands should do as well. Get great writers (like the ones we have at Squirrly) and publish them.

A passionate writer. I love seeing a full moon and I like to rock 'n roll in life. Can't wait till my first novel gets published. Thumbs up, it'll be a fantasy horror!