Can you buy unique content?

Unique content in an online world it’s a challenge

Many people have blogs. WordPress gives us an insight into how many people read blogs and how many publish online. The fact is “over 409 million people view more than 16.3 billion pages each month.” and “users produce about 63.7 million new posts and 58.6 million new comments each month.” But how many of these post are unique and can you actually buy unique content?

If you take a look at these figures, or if you trust your own experience online, don’t you agree that we all at some point in our life come across content on the web? We read it, think about it and share it. Some of us, even produce it. Our society is characterized by the world “mass”. Think about it: there’s mass media, mass marketing, so why not, mass blogging and mass content?

Mass blogging 

buy unique content

In this online world of mass blogging, the need to create and buy unique content is definitely a challenge. What’s easier to do than copy the existing content and post it on another site or blog? It only takes a few clicks. The second case is changing the existing content, by summarizing what’s already been written in a post, changing some details, even quoting( only under exceptional cases, if you get the irony).

On the other hand, creating unique content takes time, effort and passion. I’d say it needs the talent of a true content writer.

Do you think anyone can produce unique content?

I don’t want to seem skeptical, but I don’t think that anyone can write unique content. If it were so, then why so many copy-cats on the Internet?

So, what does it take to write unique content?

I’ll give you 3 words: passion, knowledge, talent. If any of them is missing, you don’t stand a chance. That’s why it’s better to buy unique content from skilled (and trusted) content writers.


buy unique content

Passion is a strong word. When you read a blog post that fully immerses you in its story, that sets your heart on fire, or gives you food for thought, you know that it’s been written with passion. As a content writer, I read a lot of posts and I write a lot. I can tell you that not much content I’ve read it’s been passionate. Some feels flat, dry and you just skip to the next one. However, when I land on a unique blog post, I always get the same feeling: This is astounding! I wish my every post sounded like this!

Michele Linn highlights in her post about writing passionately: “with so much focus on the need to create epic content, not to mention the overabundance of “me too” content being delivered these days, the demands of creating content that is truly unique and valuable can often feel paralyzing.”

A true content writer has passion for writing. He/She writes unique posts constantly, fast and with ease. It comes natural to him/her. That’s why the best thing is to buy unique content from a content writer, and not strain yourself with writing it, because the task could appear overwhelming and annoying to you.


If your blog is centered upon a subject/niche/field, you might consider buying content from niche experts. Content writers are your experts. Although you have the necessary knowledge in your field, you might not have the necessary knowledge in writing online. This involves strategies of content writing: SEO and content optimization.

For an article to be unique, it has to be unique from all points of view, including the technical part. Even if you’re great with the news, information and subjects in your field, and you can invest true passion in writing about it, if you don’t have the technical skills, you’re close to ZERO. If your content is not optimized it won’t get a high rank on search engines, the user experience will be poor and basically, it won’t be a pleasing sight on the web. The best strategy: buy unique content from skilled content writers.


This is an abstract trait. It’s really hard to define. It’s something that you’ll more likely feel when reading an article than be able to rationally put into words. Talent is what real content writers have. They have the possibility to take passion and knowledge, mix in creativity and the ability to play with language, and create mind-blowing unique content. It’s not a recipe you can follow, but rather an innate capacity.

Buy unique content from true writers

If you’re not a content writer and consider having a blog, or want to improve the post on the one you already have, you should consider buying articles from professional content writers. You’ll get quality, uniqueness, and you’ll engage your audience more.

Think about it for only one second: You have a writer who writes content because this is what feels natural and easy for them. They do quality research, invest their time and put effort into writing as best as they can, because every article is a part of their soul. Content writers don’t see writing content as a job that needs to be gotten done with faster. It’s their passion, it’s doing what they like and wish to do. That’s why you’ll spot an immediate and huge difference in their posts from the posts written in bulk on the internet by people who are not writers.

If you don’t know where to start looking for a writer you’d want to work with and invest your trust in, you can start by looking at a content creation company.

Buy unique content from Squirrly

buy unique content

Squirrly is such a place, where you can buy unique customized content from talented web writers, who have skilled themselves in various fields, such as Connected Cars, Agile training, Health, Monetization Strategies, Crowdfunding, Spirituality, Game Design, SEO, WordPress and many more. They constantly train and do research in every possible industry, depending on the needs and desires of the clients.

You can take a look here at the prices from Squirrly and reviews and start your own successful collaboration. You can now buy unique content from talented, passionate writers!

What to do with the content after you publish it?

You’re probably struggling on how to attract a lot of readers to your articles. Now that you publish great content on your blog, you want people to be able to find it, right?

Fortunately, we have the solution for you. We’ve created a lesson that will guarantee the fact that you will attract 300 unique readers per article. The only thing you have to do is to follow each of the steps we mentioned.

It’s a tried and tested strategy by Squirrly.

Don’t waste any more time! Buy unique content, and then get this lesson on how to attract 300 unique readers to your articles.

A passionate writer. I love seeing a full moon and I like to rock 'n roll in life. Can't wait till my first novel gets published. Thumbs up, it'll be a fantasy horror!