If you’re looking for ways to attract a new audience and transform them into customers, then content marketing might be the way to go. There are two options here. Either you create the articles in house, or you buy unique content from companies that are specialized in this field.
The Internet has transformed the way we learn today.
I believe that now you can search for basically anything you want on Google and find the answer for it. It’s very easy to learn new skills and find out what’s happening in the opposite part of the world with the massive advancements in technology.
This emerging domain of content marketing is going to be even bigger in 2015 because more and more companies understand that content is not going anywhere.
At the same time, consumers are being way more selective than before. This is because they have a lot of options now. In choosing between two companies that offer the same type of services or products, the one that’s sharing useful and helpful content with its customers will definitely be preferred. Consumers always choose the company that offers the most value.
Here’s an example. I’m a woman and I want to buy make up. I have to choose a foundation from two different brands. The products are similar. How do I make the decision? Some base their decision purely on the popularity of the brand itself. But if a name brand doesn’t help its customers in any way, then it has no value. In most cases, the brand who creates tutorials, publishes articles that give tips on choosing the right foundation and provides value is going to command my attention.
These are the types of information a customer needs before deciding to do business with you. They want to know whether you can help them or not, before they spend their money on your products.
How you can teach your audience through content
Let me give you an example here.
Let’s say you have a company that sells beauty and skin care products. Women (who are the most important target audience for this type of products) are constantly looking for innovative, new products, but also advice on how to take better care of their skin, or on how to solve certain issues.
Given the fact that Google is their main companion in looking for this type of information, they will click on any resource they can find on the topic they’re interested. Some resources will turn to be valuable, some not so much.
Whether your website’s visitors are women who don’t know that much about skin care, and they want to learn about it, or they’re just women who want to know more in depth information about taking care of their skin, your blog will serve as a validation for them. You will be an expert in their eyes, if they will see the variety of topics you’re able to cover, and most importantly, that you can answer to the questions they had.
If I fit their target audience, and I’m someone who has certain concerns about dry/oily skin, if I don’t know how to find the right shade of foundation, or what are the best cleansers for sensitive skin (and the list can go on), then the blog of a company that answers to such topics will turn to be extremely valuable for me.
On top of that, if I come back to their website a few times a week, I will gain trust in them as a company, and I will most likely buy their products, because they chose to help their audience, even if they are not buying anything.
This example can definitely be adapted to the business you have. The success of your company’s blog will be connected to identifying the correct target audience, and their needs, and concerns.
Do you want to buy unique content? Our company can help you.

More and more companies produce content in an effort to bring value to their customers. This is what you want to do. If you have trouble figuring out what type of content you should write, then a company that offers content writing services can help you.
You probably have more important things to do than worry about what your customers want to learn from you, so why not let the experts who know how to handle content creation do it?
They’ll take their time researching the type of business you have, calculate what your buyer personas are, (which is the key to writing awesome articles) and professionally craft the content consumers would love to read on your blog.
When you buy unique content, you want make sure you don’t do anything that will cause Google to penalize you. Google can tell if an article is meant only for traffic purposes, (spam) and if it doesn’t bring any value to readers. This is what causes sites to be penalized. The secret sauce is creating value in each and every article.
Buying unique content from Squirrly
Every article we write, whether it’s for our blog, or for our clients, is optimized with our trusty WordPress SEO plugin. So along with quality, we make sure that people will easily find your articles on Google search.
If you want to buy unique content from us, contact us now, and tell us more about your business, so we can start adding more value and reaching a larger audience for you today.