31 Things to Do to Make Your WordPress SEO Take Off

Up until now, wordpress seo has been and still is our favorite subject to cover on this blog. It doesn’t always have to be stuff that me, Andreea or Calin are writing actually 🙂

Rohit, from TechTage.com, wrote an awesome article called “31 Ways to Boost The SEO of Your WordPress Site”, which you can find here: http://techtage.com/2013/07/31-ways-to-better-wordpress-seo/

What Rohit did in order to promote the article is a story for another time, but let me tell you, it got promoted by some really big names in SEO and wordpress, which is amazing. This is the kind of long articles that are really worth sharing, because of the 31 great things in it, that are straight to the point and will provide a thoughtful read for you, if you need to tweak the wordpress seo for your own sites or that of your customers.

I invite you to read his article on wordpress seo here:

You will like it, I promise you. Grab some oolong tea and enjoy the read.

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wordpress seo
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