If you work in eCommerce, this article is right up your alley. There’s no denying that content marketing has become the norm when it comes to how businesses promote their brands.
Businesses like yours have the most to gain from using this digital marketing strategy, as generating interest and attracting more visitors to websites are two of its major strong points.
Ecommerce strategies need careful planning, since owning a site is very different than owning a real life store. Therefore, using the same marketing tactics is not a good option. No one will see your website walking on their way home.
[sqcta text=” The chances of someone stumbling upon your site are very small. If you’d try to see the internet as a road, you’d come to the conclusion that it’s a pretty long one.” type=”blockquote” color=”gray” size=”24px”]
That means that if you want a constant influx of clients, you’ll have to invest in advertising. Word-of-mouth marketing isn’t as effective now, not when there are so many cat videos that distract everybody. That’s a serious problem, because lack of promotion is the number one reason why these types of sites usually fail. Take a look at a few reasons why you might want to give this type of marketing a try.
The Content is Long-Lasting and Can Be Reused
Content marketing is about creating interest through, you’ve guessed it, content. The beauty of it is that it doesn’t expire like, let’s say, ads.
[bctt tweet=”A great piece of content can attract new leads for months.”]
Now imagine providing great content several times a week. Not only will you attract a constant stream of new people, but they will also want to spend more time on your site.
Having a blog combined with social media posts can help you further explain to people why they should buy your products.
Also, articles about topics related to your products are a great way to keep people invested. After all, visitors won’t be in a buying mood all the time, but they could still be interested in the subject.
[bctt tweet=”By providing quality content, you’re effectively building a community of loyal readers and buyers.”]
The truth is that you can’t expect everyone who shows interest to buy something from you. However, you shouldn’t think of those people as being less important. They have friends, and if they like you enough, they might tell those friends about you, and maybe they will make a purchase. It’s called free publicity.
The best part is that once the content is created and published, it’s not necessarily the end of its journey. If, for example, the topic of an older article becomes relevant or important again, the article can be republished after making a few changes or additions. If you’re lucky, the changes won’t even be necessary.
The Search Engine Optimization Software
SEO, for short, is an invaluable tool that helps content marketing agencies get as many people as possible to see their content. The software offers guidelines and ideas on how to create content that will be relevant and easy to find for people who are searching for something related to the topic.
Let’s say that your job is to sell clothes on the internet.
An agency could create content about clothes or fashion to match your eCommerce strategies. When people will search for those keywords, they’ll find the content which will have a link to your site. If people like it, then they will probably click on the link and go to your site, thus greatly increasing your website traffic.
[sqcta text=”SEO and content marketing go hand in hand, and together they deliver the best results for business growth. High search results rankings will help you stay one move ahead of your major competitors, so being successful when it comes to organic search is essential.” type=”lite” color=”yellow”]
Becoming a Trusted Source of Information
As you might imagine, people generally do a bit of research on a product before buying. Moreover, many decide to buy products based on what they see on the internet.
If a business would have the means to guide and inform people about what they should own, selling products would be a breeze.
For example, fashionistas who want to be up-to-date with the latest trends and look their best are always interested in reading magazines and blogs about fashion and clothing.
This can easily be applied to eCommerce strategies. It goes without saying that sites in the fashion industry would greatly benefit from using blogs and magazines created by marketing agencies to engage with their audiences. If they are consistent with their content marketing efforts, these sites wouldn’t just be riding the wave, they’d be the ones making the waves in the first place.
Ecommerce Strategies using Content Marketing: An Example of Success
To get a better idea on how much success an eCommerce company can achieve using content marketing, look no further than the retail clothing company Betabrand.
Their key to success is quite simple: They’re just being themselves. Betabrand didn’t try to act like something they’re not.
The fun and quirky content posted on their site and their unique way of promoting themselves have attracted the attention of many. You’re not generally looking for a laugh when browsing for new pants, but they provide it nevertheless, and it turned out to be a great idea.
Betabrand can’t produce large quantities of clothes, so they chose a different route: sell just a few items, but make them wildly different from just about anything else. When buying something from them, you’re not just getting something to wear, you’re also getting a boost of personality. Personality is something they seem to have in spades, considering they release a new product every week in limited quantity.
[sqcta text=”The company is very active and always interacts with the community they built online. They even crowd-source ideas for new clothes. This way, they managed to build a great image for themselves. Consumer and prospects see the company as a fun and creative friend rather than some boring vendor.” type=”blockquote” color=”gray” size=”24px”]
The image turned out to be very beneficial for the company, as people are rushing to buy their products despite the prices.
Betabrand is just one of the many companies that made it big by harnessing the power of content marketing. If you now understand the huge influence content can have on your business, I suggest you start looking for the right agency to represent you.
If need more convincing on why eCommerce and content marketing are a match made in heaven, no problem, you can read more about it on our blog. You’ll be happy you did.