Most Content Marketing tools focus on optimizing content for search engines and they don’t really help you measure the success of your optimized content. Not at all. For you, I have some great news:
There is a New Squirrly.
It’s Better. For Humans. And it lets you track your results.
You have been a great help in making us understand what you want from a tool for content marketing. We ended up building the Only Tool that Helps You Optimize Content and Measure Its Success. For both humans and search engines.
See the new website:
On the website you can see all the benefits that the new Squirrly brings to your wordpress site.
Also, it has the results from our studies published. Squirrly helped over 16,500 people to get over +285% increase in traffic for the articles they optimized with Squirrly.
You are now able to go back to using your Squirrly plugin, because you now have access to the SEO Audit feature, which analyses all your content strategy and has educational content (from Google, Moz, KissMetrics, etc.) that will help you tweak the right things to get better indexing and bring in more people who are interested in your site’s offers.
You can Monitor and Track the improvement of your content and the results it brings for both humans (through social signals) and search engines (through Moz, Authority Labs and a few algorithms of our own).
Squirrly is now available Full Option for you until the 30th of September 2013. You’ll only have to pay for it if you love it. Otherwise, you’ll be able to use it for free, just to optimize content.
Starting next week, we’ll have the second part of the courses, where we will show you what you need to do to have a competitive wordpress site and how to optimize for humans, using social intelligence.
We’ve worked amazingly hard to bring you the new Squirrly, so we really appreciate you taking your time with it and studying it. As always, I’ll be more than happy to answer your emails.
– The team from Squirrly:
Florin, Calin, Andreea, Christine and John 🙂
Thank you!