How Real Estate Companies Can Reevaluate Their Digital Marketing Strategy

How to Re-evaluate Your Digital Marketing StrategyIt’s never pretty when a company has to reevaluate their marketing strategy. The key words here are “has to”. It’s entirely reasonable to change things from time to time, to grow or change with the times.

However, if a company has to reevaluate, that’s because the current strategy isn’t getting results. It goes double for real estate since all the deals are important.

We’ll keep both situations in mind. Before that, I’d like to point out that we wrote an article about creating a strategy in the first place, so if you don’t yet have anything to reevaluate, check it out.

[sqcta text=”Start with Your Goals” type=”header”  color=”gray”]

[ Image Credits: Single Rent Inmobiliaria’s Flickr ]
If you’re doing well and it’s time for an upgrade, the first thing you should do is think about your goals.

Otherwise, you’ll see that the business is growing slowly or not at all because the strategy wasn’t efficient. Even worse, you could lose track of what’s important and end up doing more harm than good.

[sqcta text=”Real estate companies should always make customer service a priority.” type=”lite” ]

There will almost always be several companies competing for the same clients. The one that gains the customers’ trust will win.

[bctt tweet=”When competition is big, gain your clients’ trust by providing outstanding customer service.” username=”SquirrlyHQ”]

Another pitfall is having the wrong expectations.  Maybe the strategy didn’t do much because you didn’t expect much of it. In this case, your lack of faith is actively limiting your results.

Alternatively, the strategy seems ineffective because you expected too much from it. Maybe it doesn’t even need changing, but the standards are too high. You’d be wasting time and resources by reevaluating it.

[sqcta text=”Make sure that the goals you’ve set are doable. Then, go from there and start changing aspects of the strategy that don’t fit with what you want.” type=”lite”  color=”yellow”]

[sqcta text=”Review the Results of the Strategy” type=”header”  color=”gray”]

[sqcta text=”To improve anything, you have to know how well the strategy has worked for you up to a certain point. It’s rare that a plan is just faulty. The likelier case is that some aspects are good while others need improvement.” type=”lite” ]

More often than not, the ideas themselves aren’t bad. However, the execution is.

I’m not saying that anything you’ll come up with will work out. Just remember that most companies base their strategies on previous examples and results. The reason it might come out differently for them, though, is because of the execution.

There is software that can help you check the traffic you get. Google Analytics and Hubspot are two examples that come to mind.

[bctt tweet=”The execution of the strategy is just as important as implementing every single detail of it.” username=”SquirrlyHQ”]


If you do identify an aspect of the strategy that needs changes, take a look at the execution first. If you feel that the implementation went well, the idea itself needs improvement.

Otherwise, it’s much harder to tell where the problem stems from. Remember that digital marketing is pretty different from other tactics. Maybe you’re approaching it the wrong way.

Consider asking an expert to check the strategy you have so far and point out the weak spots. You can talk to our content strategists and see how they can help you with that.

[sqcta text=”In real estate, most difficulties stem from the way the company interacts with the clients. Maybe they weren’t friendly or invested enough. Maybe they had a slow response time or didn’t offer reliable information. It can take a long time and a lot of attention to detail to work out all the kinks.” type=”lite”  color=”yellow”]

[sqcta text=”Think of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Real Estate Company” type=”header”  color=”gray”]

I’m not talking about how good your coffee is. I’m referring to what you and your coworkers excel at in the industry.

If you like talking to people, consider investing more in social media. It’s the easiest and fastest way to interact with clients over the Internet.

If the coffee is really good though, don't forget to share it with the clients. image source: pixbay

Obviously, you want to consider the weaknesses too.

If you’re terrible at writing but can’t do without it, the best solution is to have someone else write for you. Let me tell you; everyone can write, but that doesn’t mean that everyone should write.

[sqcta text=”The idea is not to waste potential. Use your strengths and avoid weak points or delegate better-suited people to handle them.” type=”lite”  color=”yellow”]


[sqcta text=”An Excellent Strategy Needs a Good Amount of Attention” type=”header”  color=”gray”]

Some people like this kind of work and some don’t. That’s the way life works.

You have to be invested in reevaluating a marketing strategy. Read reports and studies so that you know what’s ahead of you, and get involved.

There’s nothing wrong with having others come up with the strategy for you. Still, you have to think about it yourself too. There might be better-suited people to come up with ideas for the plan. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to do your part as well.

At the very least, make sure that the new strategy will have the right goals in mind, and that no errors occur.

[sqcta text=”Keep in mind that marketing is crucial to the success of a company, now more than ever. Since it’s vital, you have to dedicate yourself to the process.” type=”blockquote”]

[sqcta text=”Changes Aren’t Irreversible” type=”header”  color=”gray”]

It might seem obvious, but a lot of people tend to forget this fact. It’s not the end of the world if the strategy doesn’t end up being perfect. That means you have quite a bit of freedom to experiment, and you shouldn’t let the chance go to waste.


Lab Technician Using Pipette --- Image by © moodboard/Corbis
[ Image Credits:’s Flickr ]
For example, let’s say you have two ideas, and you can only use one. The first is less likely to work, but it could offer a tremendous boost. The second one is more reliable but has a smaller positive effect.

If you have the time and resources, you should try both of them to see which one works best for you. It might take a bit of time to get the results, but once you see them, you’ll know very well which idea to continue using.

[sqcta text=”When it comes to digital marketing, it’s exceptionally easy to change directions. Since there are so many approaches, you should try to experiment with as many of them as possible.” type=”lite”  color=”yellow”]

I hope these guidelines were useful for you, and that they will help you improve your strategy.

We’ve also written an article about how you can enhance your digital marketing strategy. Make sure you check that out as well. It’s full of tips on how to be more efficient

I'm an energetic person that likes to write and play video games. I'm lucky that I met the Squirrlyans because now I write for a living. I still haven't found any use for my passion for video games, though 🙁