Squirrly is Set to Release the Next Versions of Squirrly SEO. Get Early access to the 2017 Features

These are super exciting times for us at Squirrly, because we’ll soon release TWO versions of the software at the same time.

Squirrly SEO 2017 and Squirrly SEO 2018 will soon be released.

The best way for you to learn about the latest updates is to follow us on Twitter right here.

70% Of the Squirrly SEO 2017 version is ready to be tested. Get Early Access

Most of Squirrly SEO 2017 has already been released to the plugin and also to our web-based platforms. You can get the latest update from the WordPress Directory or by downloading the plugin from here.

Since most of the 2017 version has already been released, you should check it out. As always, we’re super open to feedback on all our channels. Just check the Contact section.

my.Squirrly.co and the SEO Audit – massive improvements

My favorite part so far is the massive re-vamp of my.squirrly.co where you access your account data and check the audits we make every single week for your sites. You should check it out as soon as possible.

For the first time in the history of Squirrly, you’ll be able to request a re-audit right there on the spot. Now, if you make changes you can get re-audited to see if you indeed managed to improve the score.

Developer Update Video: 17 completely new features presented.

In this video I released the rumors about 2017 and 2018 being launched at the same time. Check it out! I present 17 new massive updates that you didn’t know about.

Squirrly 2018’s integration with Quick SEO plugin by Squirrly.

Unlike Apple, we don’t remove integrations. We create more integrations.

At the launch event, we will present the Quick SEO Plugin to the world. This one will be a free plugin. It will only integrate with the Squirrly SEO 2018 available versions: Free, PRO and Agency. It requires a Squirrly SEO 2018 license to work.

It will give you, for the first time ever in WordPress history, the possibility to optimize each URL in your site. For both Search Engines and Social Media platforms.

It works for WooCommerce as well.

Until now, there have only been plugins that allowed some sort of automation for the optimization (only SEO-related) of URLs. However, no other plugin allows you to manually customize everything. That is bad for search engines, but it’s especially bad for Human readers.

If I go to your store and share a category or tag page, you want my Facebook friends to see that page in a beautiful way that will invite them over to your store. That’s what I’m giving you right now with Squirrly SEO 2018. The possibility to be in control of this.

Stay tuned to our Blog, our Youtube Channel and our Twitter. More announcements will follow. We’ve worked very hard to deliver these amazing new software updates to you.

People are looking for companies in your space. I want them to find YOU in the search results.

Innovator & CEO
Seasoned Entrepreneur, Content Marketing Trainer. Loves Archery, Writing, Coffee and Wine. VIP in the Delivering Happiness Movement. Helps startup communities.