I have met people that have quite good sites which with the necessary amount of work might become great at one point. But when I tried suggesting WordPress SEO plugins ( not necessary Squirrly), their immediate answer was no. And it made me ask why. In the next rows you will find out their reasons and why they should reconsider their position. If you identify yourself with any of these reasons, please hear me out.
I know enough SEO to do the work on my own
Nobody has ever doubted that you have the necessary skills to do this work. You don’t doubt your ability to walk when you buy a car. You do it because this way it will be faster. Also you will get to your destination quicker. Same thing applies in our case. WordPress SEO plugins are not just for people that are not interested to learn search engine optimization. They are dedicated to anyone that is creating content for a site.
How come ? you might ask. Well even though you know the concepts and how to apply them you’re human. Forgetting one key element like adding your keyword to your image alt tag might happen to the best of us. WordPress SEO plugins don’t forget and they check to see if you have taken into account every element that will make your articles, to better rank.
It’s safer if I focus my own energy on it
Your energy is needed elsewhere. Focus on creating valuable content for your audience and spend time to engage with them. If you let WordPress SEO plugins worry about how well your SEO is actually doing, you’ll have more time to research topics. Solve your audience’s problems in the field and get them to revisit your site for what you are offering them.
SEO is important because people use search engines to find your content but the main focus should always be on the audience. Here are some other tips on how to better write for your specific public. So let WordPress SEO plugins reduce the time you dedicate to optimizing your article. You can take that time to create visual content or free ebooks for your readers.
WordPress SEO plugins will make me write for bots, not people
Quite the opposite, my friend. Squirrly for example let’s you write your articles and gives you suggestions and reminders of what you have to do in order to have fully optimized articles. In the end WordPress SEO plugins offer you data about the keyword you want to use, the density of that keyword and other details that will make your article easier to find. But they don’t change how you write your articles. You choose how easy to read your blog post is.
If you are try to convince other friends of the opportunities of any WordPress SEO plugin, I do encourage you to share them the video. And if my article convinced you, I suggest you try the free trial version of Squirrly just to see what these plugin has to offer.
If you have any other opinions or arguments on the matter ? Can’t wait to hear them in the comment section bellow.
Be sure to also check out this top WordPress security plugin to better protect your site against hacker bots and spammers.