Hello our fellow Squirrlians ! Today we will discuss how Squirrly is more than just your WordPress SEO plugin. It is your motivator, your inspiration and your help. As Meredith Brooks says ” You know you wouldn’t want it any other way”. It does all this through the many features it has. I doesn’t focus just on helping you with your on-page SEO, even if that is how it seams at first.
What Squirrly has to offer
The vision of this product is that it guiding you through your first steps in SEO. It offers a check-list that you have to make sure you accomplish at each article. But it also offer explanations on why those tasks are important. The keyword research tool makes sure you start the work with the right materials. And the Article rank brings to this WordPress SEO plugin the ability to evaluate your work. And it takes into account not just the optimization of your content but also how it does on Social Media and you can even evaluate your traffic.
The inspiration within
You can consider it more than just a WordPress SEO plugin because in the Live SEO assistant you have one very important tool bar. After typing in the keyword you choose to focus on, below it will appear images that are connected to your keyword. Clicking on them will add them to your article. It’s that easy. Do keep in mind that if you want to choose only Copyright Free images you should check the box bellow them.
But this is not all. You want you article to be fresh and what better way if not integrating what people say on the subject on social media. Right bellow the keyword, this WordPress SEO plugin has a Twitter button. Pushing it will determine, that in the window where the images were, to see now the latest tweets that contain your keyword. You can see who posted them and the date as well. When you pass over them the insert button will appear and you can integrate a tweet just like the one bellow.

This button can be found at any of the 6 subjection of this menu. Going on when move your mouse above the article from Wikipedia two buttons will appear: “Read it” and “Insert it” . Bellow is the example of what happens when you click insert here.
If you click the other button a widget will come up above your writing editor. There you can read the article, and insert any paragraph you choose with a simple click of a button and it will look like below:
Content marketing is focused not on selling, but on simply communicating with customers and prospects. The idea is to inspire business and loyalty from buyers by delivering “consistent, ongoing valuable information”.[1]

Using the most out of this WordPress SEO plugin
Getting the most for the Moola Moola you pay for Squirrly is by using all it’s features. It doesn’t just give you a hand in On-page SEO. It helps you optimise your content, do your Keyword research, evaluates your activity and gives you free materials that can are easily integrable in your posts. It helps you create valuable content that is optimized and relevant.